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![]() A hackable text editor for the 21st Century. Everything you would expect * Cross-platform editing * Atom works across operating systems. Use it on OS X, Windows, or Linux. * Built-in package manager * Search for and install new packages or create your own right from Atom. * Smart autocompletion * Atom helps you write code faster with a smart and flexible autocomplete. * File system browser * Easily browse and open a single file, a whole project, or multiple projects in one window. * Multiple panes * Split your Atom interface into multiple panes to compare and edit code across files. * Find and replace * Find, preview, and replace text as you type in a file or across all your projects.
Download ![]() BBEdit is the leading professional HTML and text editor for the Macintosh. Specifically crafted in response to the needs of Web authors and software developers, this award-winning product provides an abundance of high-performance features for editing, searching, and manipulation of text. An intelligent interface provides easy access to BBEdit’s best-of-class features, including grep pattern matching, search and replace across multiple files, project definition tools, function navigation and syntax coloring for numerous source code languages, code folding, FTP and SFTP open and save, AppleScript, Mac OS X Unix scripting support, text and code completion, and of course a complete set of robust HTML markup tools.
Download ![]() BlueJ is an integrated Java environment specifically designed for introductory teaching. The BlueJ environment was developed as part of a university research project about teaching object-orientation to beginners. The system is being developed and maintained by a joint research group at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, and the University of Kent in Canterbury, UK. The project is supported by Sun Microsystems.
Download ![]() Chipmunk Basic for MacOS is an old-fashioned Basic interpreter which runs on almost all Macs. Chipmunk Basic uses a vintage traditional-style command-line console, but note that line numbers are not required to run Basic program written using an external text editor. Supported features on MacOS include color graphics, sprites, sound (including Quicktime MIDI sounds and morse code), speech synthesis, matrix ops, AppleScript, network sockets, pipes, serial I/O, and even some rudamentary OOP (object oriented programming) capabilities.
Download ![]() Eclipse provides IDEs and platforms for nearly every language and architecture. We are famous for our Java IDE, C/C++, JavaScript and PHP IDEs built on extensible platforms for creating desktop, Web and cloud IDEs. These platforms deliver the most extensive collection of add-on tools available for software developers.
Download ![]() This site hosts both the FBtoC Project and the FutureBasic Freeware downloads. FutureBasic consists of a syntax-aware editor/IDE and a translator ( FBtoC ) that converts FB code into C/Objective-C code. The translation is then compiled with the clang system compiler. Downloads and their executables are freeware, but source code and rights of distribution are reserved to the respective authors (the FBtoC team, Staz Software and others where noted ).
Download ![]() The legendary Git GUI client for Mac, Windows and Linux. GitKraken is a Git client built on Electron, allowing it to run natively on Mac, Windows and Linux desktop systems. Enjoy the same luxurious experience across all three! Visual Interactions - Branching, merging and commit history Resizable Commit Graph - Fully responsive and easy to understand Drag and Drop - Merge, rebase, reset, push and more Seamless Integrations - The best Git client should integrate with your Git hosting service. That’s why GitKraken connects to popular services like GitHub, Bitbucket and GitLab to make working with your remote repositories easier.,,
Download ![]() A fast and clever open source hex editor for Mac OS X. * Insert, delete, rearrange. Hex Fiend is not limited to in-place changes like some hex editors. * Work with huge files. Hex Fiend can handle as big a file as you're able to create. It's been tested on files as large as 118 GB. * Small footprint. Hex Fiend does not need to keep your files in memory. You won't dread launching or working with Hex Fiend even on low-RAM machines. * Fast. Open a huge file, scroll around, copy and paste, all instantly. Find what you're looking for with fast searching. * Smart saving. Hex Fiend knows not to waste time overwriting the parts of your files that haven't changed. * Data inspector. Interpret data as integer or floating point, signed or unsigned, big or little endian... * Smooth scrolling. No separate "pages" - scroll like any text document.
Download ![]() Hopper Disassembler, the reverse engineering tool that lets you disassemble, decompile and debug your applications.
Download ![]() Komodo IDE includes all of the integrations you need to stay in-the-zone and get more done. Get your favorite frameworks, languages, and tools in one cross-platform, polyglot IDE. Komodo supports over 100 languages including Python, PHP, Go, Perl, Tcl, Ruby, NodeJS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and more.
Download ![]() PHP is a popular general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to web development. Fast, flexible and pragmatic, PHP powers everything from your blog to the most popular websites in the world.
Download ![]() Platypus is a Mac OS X developer tool that creates native Mac OS X applications from interpreted scripts such as shell scripts or Perl, Ruby and Python programs. This is done by wrapping the script in an application bundle along with a native executable binary that runs the script. Platypus makes it easy for you to share your scripts with people unfamiliar with the command line interface, without any knowledge of the Mac OS X APIs — a few clicks and you will have your own Mac OS X graphical program. Creating installers, maintenance applications, login items, launchers, automations and droplets is very easy using Platypus.
Download ![]() Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented, extensible programming language. It provides an extraordinary combination of clarity and versatility, it is free, and it runs on Unix, PC, Macintosh, and many other systems.
Download ![]() A dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.
Download Homebrew installation: ![]() Learning to build a modern web application is daunting. Ruby on Rails makes it much easier and more fun. It includes everything you need to build fantastic applications, and you can learn it with the support of our large, friendly community.
![]() We too appreciate AppleScript’s ability to let you automate repetitive and time consuming tasks. But much like entering a maze at night, using AppleScript requires guesswork — and plenty of feeling around in the dark. Script Debugger flips on the light switch so you can see what’s in front of you. It gives you more than just a flashlight, it gives you daylight. Script Debugger is an integrated development environment focused entirely on AppleScript. This focus allows Script Debugger to deliver a suite of tools that make AppleScript development amazingly productive. Features like the dictionary explorer allow you to look directly into any application’s live scripting interface and step wise debugging with the ability to see the state of all your variables make AppleScript usable in a way you’ve never experienced before. Of course, this is just a taste of the things Script Debugger does.
Download ![]() Get your commit done. SmartGit is a Git client with support for GitHub Pull Requests+Comments and SVN.
Download ![]() SmartSVN is an innovative multi-platform client for Subversion, the designated successor of CVS. SmartSVN has powerful features like built-in File Compare/Merge, Change Report or Tag and Branch handling, which make your daily work with Subversion as easy as possible. SmartSVN is the consequent successor of SmartCVS, which helps thousands of users to sail around the CVS cliffs. Don't settle with simple GUI wrappers around the command line executable. Try out the easy-to-use and intelligent features of SmartSVN, which works together with your Subversion server out-of-the-box.
Download ![]() Squeak is a powerful, highly-portable open-source implementation of Smalltalk. Squeak is an Object-Oriented programming language and interactive environment with many great Features. Squeak is used for a wide variety of computing tasks, ranging from child education through to research in computer science.
Download ![]() Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose. You'll love the slick user interface, extraordinary features and amazing performance.
Download ![]() Subversion is an open source version control system. Founded in 2000 by CollabNet, Inc., the Subversion project and software have seen incredible success over the past decade. Subversion has enjoyed and continues to enjoy widespread adoption in both the open source arena and the corporate world.
Download ![]() Powerful and customizable text editor with support for a huge list of programming languages and developed as open source.
Download ![]() Unity makes cutting-edge game technologies outrageously simple to use. Unity is a one-stop solution for professional game development. 1. You can make amazing stuff. Unity provides the simplicity of professional authoring combined with the power of a modern 3D game engine. You can create amazing stuff in amazingly short time. 2. Unity just works. Drop your models and animations right in. Add sizzling graphics, immersive physics, and animated characters with a few clicks. We know that you want to spend your time making great things.
Download Release Notes/Additional downloads ![]() Xcode includes everything developers need to create great applications for Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, and Apple Watch. Xcode provides developers a unified workflow for user interface design, coding, testing, and debugging. The Xcode IDE combined with the Swift programming language make developing apps easier and more fun than ever before. Xcode includes the Xcode IDE, Swift and Objective-C compilers, Instruments analysis tool, simulators, the latest SDKs, and hundreds of powerful features.
Download ![]() Develop faster with Xojo. Cross-platform - Code once then deploy on macOS, Windows, Linux, the web, iOS and Raspberry Pi. Rich Framework - With modern support for graphics, database servers and internet protocols, build anything you can imagine. Drag & drop UI - Create your native user interface quickly and intuitively with drag and drop. Abstraction - Xojo abstracts you from the platform details allowing you to focus your time and energy on what makes your app unique
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